19th Century American Vice Presidents

list of American Vice Presidents who served during the 19th century:

1. John Adams (1789–1797) – Served as the first Vice President under President George Washington.

2. Thomas Jefferson (1797–1801) – Served as the second Vice President under President John Adams.

3. Aaron Burr (1801–1805) – Served as the third Vice President under President Thomas Jefferson.

4. George Clinton (1805–1812) – Served as the fourth Vice President under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

5. Elbridge Gerry (1813–1814) – Served as the fifth Vice President under President James Madison.

6. Daniel D. Tompkins (1817–1825) – Served as the sixth Vice President under President James Monroe.

7. John C. Calhoun (1825–1832) – Served as the seventh Vice President under Presidents John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.

8. Martin Van Buren (1833–1837) – Served as the eighth Vice President under President Andrew Jackson.

9. Richard M. Johnson (1837–1841) – Served as the ninth Vice President under President Martin Van Buren.

10. John Tyler (1841) – Served as the tenth Vice President under President William Henry Harrison. He later succeeded to the presidency after Harrison’s death.

11. George M. Dallas (1845–1849) – Served as the eleventh Vice President under President James K. Polk.

12. Millard Fillmore (1849–1853) – Served as the twelfth Vice President under President Zachary Taylor. He later succeeded to the presidency after Taylor’s death.

13. William R. King(1853) – Served as the thirteenth Vice President under President Franklin Pierce.

14. John C. Breckinridge(1857–1861) – Served as the fourteenth Vice President under President James Buchanan.

These Vice Presidents served during the 19th century, each contributing to the governance and political landscape of their time.

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